Hypnotherapy for Individuals, Couples and Corporations in Ireland
Something you want to change about yourself?
The time is now, let’s start the journey.

The programming in the subconscious mind is very powerful but also very subtle. Hypnosis is a strong result based therapeutic modality and tool for success, transforming lives and empowering from within. Clinical Hypnotherapy is very different from stage hypnosis, which is for entertainment purposes only. It’s based on science and biology. The truth is that people come to a hypnotherapist to gain control, NOT to lose control.

Hypnosis has the capacity to work for most people and some are even more susceptible to suggestion than others. Being fully committed to the process and feeling that you can trust your hypnotherapist is key. It’s also important to keep an open mind, as any scepticism may subconsciously dampen your susceptibility.
Through hypnotherapy, your hypnotherapist can give the subconscious suggestions to change unwanted behaviours. It is a tool for reprogramming and rewiring the subconscious mind. These suggestions can be planted firmly into the subconscious mind in order to overwrite limiting belief structures.
When you are brought out of your hypnosis, you will feel relaxed, energised and fresh so that you can enjoy the rest of your day and feel the benefits of your session.
Meet The Health and Wellbeing Expert

Hello, my name is Alex Peter Ivanov and I have been living in Ireland since July 2000 and I am Russian by origin. I am a fully insured and certified hypnotherapist. I am founder and director of “Serapis Wellness Therapies Centre” in Navan Co.Meath.
I have years of intensive study and practice invested in the hypnotic arts, over a decade as a health care professional and vast experience in mindfulness techniques. As a curative hypnotist, I am extremely passionate about helping people and truly believe it is my calling.
My hypnosis certifications are granted by The National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). My training comes from many of the top trainers in the profession and includes Tom Silver, Ines Simpson, Freddy Jacquin, Mike Mandel,
Jonathan Royle, Don Spencer, Martin Castor Peterson, Michael C. Anthony.
I have some powerful tools in my hands to your mind. About your previous other experiences and my ability to heal I’d say: If at first you didn’t succeed try a bottle opener it probably isn’t a twist top!
Some kind words....
I came to see Alex Peter after hitting a dead end in my professional and personal life. He was able to reveal some very important truths about me and my past. Our session left me feeling lighter and happier than I had been in weeks. Afterward I was able to look at my life with fresh eyes, and greater confidence.
Ardee – Louth
Since I left your office, I have not had any cravings for sweets and chocolate. I am amazed at how natural the change in behaviour feels to me.
Cootehill – Cavan
Alex created a container where I felt safe to simply let go into his gentle voice. He helped me view root causes of my issues and examine how they are directly related to current events. I believe the incredible perspectives I’ve gained through hypnotherapy would have probably taken me a year’s of conventional talk therapy, if not more.
Trim – Meath
I had a great session with Alex Peter and felt immediately comfortable with his approach and relaxed. He guided me through some difficult childhood memories and gave me a new framework for working with them. I look forward to going back for another visit to go even deeper.
Kingscourt - Cavan
Content Creator
I went to Alex P. after trying traditional counselling and medication. I was drinking a lot, which was my main concern. Hypnosis with Alex P. literally changed my life after the first session. I could feel something had changed in me for the better. Alex is a miracle worker and I would tell anyone struggling with Alcohol addiction to go to him. I cannot explain what an amazing transformation has happened in such a short amount of time.
Drogheda – Louth
When you spend a lifetime of chronic pain & multiple surgeries, you try EVERYTHING to avoid hills of pills with terrible side effects. With Alex’s help I feel much more in control of the way I feel. It’s very empowering. I think that benefits of the healing even more because I feel like I’m not at the mercy of pain an more.